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Student Spotlight: Chemeka Rene Johnson

Chemeka Rene Johnson, Library Science (Louisville, KY)

What has contributed to your success as an EKU Online student?

"My advisor Dr. Ralph Turner and my student advisor Chad Centers have been a great support system these past two years. They are always there to guide me through technical issues and answer questions about my courses. Chad often will remind me of important dates and events. I have had a pleasant experience due to both of these men. They are such a great asset to EKU."

Why EKU?

"I chose EKU because I needed a program that was hands-on yet offered online compatibility. I have completed field experiences, have called my professors at home, and know that when I graduate, I can still reach out to them. I am not just a number or just another student."

What makes EKU Online unique?

"I have earned two degrees online but this program makes me feel as if I am right on campus at EKU. The staff is attentive, and I chat with my peers weekly and we also have a collaborative networking system."

How will this degree enhance your career?

"I feel more than prepared as this program is intense but technologically driven. I feel as if I am a step ahead of the rest when it comes to knowing certain programs, budgeting and organizational structures of the library."

Published on October 25, 2013

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